pool cleaning

Pool Cleaning in Destin, FL

Serving Destin, Miramar Beach, Santa Rosa Beach, 30A (SOWAL)


There are so many amazing pools in this area.  We couldn't believe our eyes when we arrived at this neglected pool.  We knew this would be an awesome transformation from Green to Clean by JB.  We spent a whole day cleaning the entire pool, removing the calcium from the pool tile and servicing the equipment. For the best pool service in Destin, call JB Grande. 









Green to Clean pool service in Watersound

Serving Destin, Miramar Beach, Santa Rosa Beach, 30A (SOWAL)


When you need a clean pool quickly, call JB Grande.  We are ready to respond 7 days a week during the summer months.  We responded to this rental home on Sunday morning and had the guests swimming by noon on Monday. The JB Grande difference:

On Arrival

On Arrival

12 hrs later

12 hrs later

24 hrs later

24 hrs later

Abandoned Swamp Pool - Green to Clean in 6 Days

Serving Destin, Miramar Beach, Santa Rosa Beach, 30A (SOWAL)


We were called out to bid on cleaning up this swap pool that had been dormant for over 2 years. Other companies wanted thousands to drain the pool, acid treat and pressure wash. The new owner was shocked that our recommendations and pricing didn't include draining the pool. We were hired on the spot and began cleaning that day. We recommended removing the debris, lowering the Ph, brushing the pool, shocking the pool and letting the filter do the rest of the work. We followed this process twice a day for 6 Days, with a daily backwash of the sand filter.  Our results:

Day 1

Day 1

Day 2

Day 2

Day 3

Day 3

Day 4

Day 4

Day 5

Day 5

Day 6

Day 6

As you can see, the pool didn't need to be drained, acid washed or pressure washed. The pool water simply needed to be tested, balanced, chlorinated, cleaned and filtered.  If you have a green pool. don't drain it, call JB and get a professional opinion from a company that delivers proven results. Never let it go green again by using our weekly pool service. We also offer pressure washing and home maintenance services. 

Pool Service / Black Algae Treatment - Santa Rosa Beach

Black algae in pools can be extremely difficult to kill. Trying to brush the algae with a nylon brush just won't work. The outer covering of black algae forms a hard protective shell. This shell even protects the black algae from high levels of chlorine when shocking or slamming.  You're going to need an algae brush, an algaecide and lots of time.  If you don't get the results you want, don't get upset, get JB. We'll do all the work. It only takes one call 850-625-9750. Do you want to keep it clean? Learn about our Grande Pool Services.  





After - Black Algae Treatment

After - Black Algae Treatment

Salt Water Pool Service

After completing a whole home pressure cleaning job we performed our free clean pool service. We tested the water with our taylor professional test kit and added the necessary chemicals to balance the water.  We brushed the pool steps, walls and floor, vacuumed the pool, skimmed the water and cleaned the baskets.  Your property will always look Grande when we leave. Call us today for your free estimate for pool service or pressure cleaning 850-625-9750.

Want a Clean Pool fast? Use our Green to Clean Service

When we receive a call about a green pool, we respond quickly. We were at this clients house in Miramar Beach within two hours on a holiday weekend. We tested the pool water, cleaned the baskets and backwashed the sand filter. After removing massive amounts of debris from the skimmer, we were able to vacuum the algae to waste, apply chemicals and begin filtering the pool water.  24 hours later, we had transformed this green pool to a clean pool.  The client was so pleased with our service that they hired us for their weekly pool service and added our pressure washing service. When your need quick and reliable pool cleaning, call the best pool cleaner in Destin, Miramar Beach and all of 30A - Call JB Grande 850-625-9750.   

Before Green to Clean service

24 hours later

See more of our Success with Green to Clean service.

Before Our Pressure Washing

Before Our Pressure Washing

After Our Pressure Washing

After Our Pressure Washing

See More of our Success with Pressure Washing service.

New Pool Cleaning Client in Santa Rosa Beach, FL

We are happy to announce another pool cleaning client to add to our 30A pool route.  The owner and guests of this pool will enjoy the pool heater during the winter months.  The Pentair automatic in-line chlorine feeder will allow for easy maintenance throughout the summer. Our weekly pool cleaning service starts at $140 per month and includes:

  • Cleaning the skimmer and pump basket
  • Brushing the pool walls, steps and floor
  • Skimming the pool
  • Testing the pool water
  • Applying chemicals to balance the pool water
  • Maintaining the proper water level
  • Backwashing the sand filter when needed

Learn more about our Grande Pool Services and Home Maintenance Packages by visiting our website or call 850-625-9750.

Mustard Algae and Black Algae treatment

Salt Water pools generate chlorine using a device called a salt cell.  When the salt cell stops working, no chlorine is generated.  Without chlorine in your pool, algae can take over quickly. Pool algae can appear as green, yellow (mustard) and black.  Green algae can usually be killed quickly (when treated early) by shocking the pool, brushing the entire pool and running the filter for 24hrs.  Yellow algae can be more difficult to kill and will require an algaecide and vigorous brushing.  A high chlorine level must be maintained when killing yellow algae or else it will begin to bloom again and the shocking process will have to be repeated.  Black algae can be extremely difficult to kill even when shocking or using an algaecide. Once it's roots get into the plaster, you may never completely rid the pool of black algae. We were recently contacted to address a yellow and black algae problem due to a salt cell failure.  The client shocked the pool and treated it with an algaecide, but the algae remained.  Check out our results in 24hrs.  If you're not getting the results your desire, call JB Grande at 850-625-9750 for our Green to Clean service.    

Before JB Grande - Yellow Algae

Before JB Grande - Yellow Algae

24 hrs after JB Grande

24 hrs after JB Grande

Before JB Grande - Yellow Algae

Before JB Grande - Yellow Algae

24 hrs after JB Grande

24 hrs after JB Grande

Before JB Grande - Yellow Algae and Black Algae

Before JB Grande - Yellow Algae and Black Algae

24 hrs after JB Grande

24 hrs after JB Grande